Do secular materialistic humanist atheists ever delve into the evidence for their faith, (which is what it is), or simply swallow the drivel poured out by the likes of Richard Dawkins, or even worse,...
My brand new neighbour has left me the keys to his house whilst he is on holiday as he has arranged for several tradesmen to do work, including electrics, flooring etc and I’m to let them in and out...
This has to be one of the worst joke sentences I have ever seen. Except it is not funny. 15 years for murder with an axe and samurai sword . Absolute savage should never see the light of day....
...where the kids are performing Bohemian Rhapsody - what's it all about? I don't get it. Wouldn't you rather they just cut prices instead of spending lots of money on costly, baffling commercials?
I need 3 light fittings changing, to chandelier type ones. Do I need an electrician? About how much ballpark are we talking. I think about £100 but hubby thinks more. I will, of course, get quotes...
two black strips, about a pace apart have appeared on a road near me. I had always assumed these type of strips were to measure speed, but this morning i noticed a bus, then a smart car then a...
not just in the US either.......
Can't supply a link but Jacob R-M is smashing it on Jeremy Vile at the moment ( TV channel 5). He's a prime example of how pure genius and intelligence can make any journalist look like a fool. He is... I would also give them powers to confiscate their Porsches and Mercs to pay for clearing up the ton of rubbish they invariably leave behind. Better start a count... Cartoons are not meant to be flattering, the cartoonist takes the most... too tight to get their dog spayed? I just don't get it, I know Staffies are not the most favoured dog in the world but surely if you don't want...
eg: How old is your grand mother? So, she's 76! aaaarrrgggghhhh! there's a silly moo on the chase tonight and when Brad was doing his little interview she started every single reply with "so...." -...