In fact far from it as some will testify lol.I have been know to try my hand at times at pushing the boundaries. However I have read continually on here that this is a family site -in fact...
Hello Vodafone ...Can I upgrade my phone for free please. No sorry sir will cost you ?200 for the N97 you want .... OK ..then why does it say free ! Sorry sir that's new customers only ... o.k....
Trying to think of a new thread here. What have you tried really, really hard to do, but you just couldn't do it. I recently spent a week trying to have a bonk on a lilo. It sounds feasible, but...
Are you an optimist or a pessimist, do you always look on the bright side of life or do you always expect the worse to happen! Do you smile and greet everyone pleasantly or are you curmudgeonly and...
One day last week I was parked outside a bar in Conil with the BF (did I mention I have a BF ?) (oh ... as many times as that ??) Anyway ... a girl stops opposite to look in a shop. Quick description...