Heavy wine for Cardinal. D??? ???
Sailor in the Caymans was confused when East went South.
Elevate port of Piraeus
Stay at University for examination
Many thanks...
7a..Quip made behind animals..?P?G?A? 23a..Strange business commonly linked to overtime Rex received.. ?I?A?RE 3d.Note tick on unladen mules tail..M??O 19d.A man on board is a hunk..P?E?E Many thanks...
Excise duty is £2.23 per bottle,VAT is 20%,retailers gross margin is 25% and other costs such as packaging and transport add 56p to the cost of each bottle. How much is the wine worth in: £5 bottle...
How much is a single bottle of 1985 Screaming Eagle worth? Am no good at maths so here goes!!! 10 hectares of Valpolicella vineyard are equally planted with corvina,rondinellA and molinara at 3000...
24a..area to commit matricide.....?O???N
25a..Girl Lawyers on call-ring away..D?P?N?
26a..A man eating very soft fish..G?P?Y..is it guppy?
Many thanks and Merry Xmas everyone!...