I must apologise for my outburst very unlike me ...wont happen again ...shall stick to the joke section at least it's fun there once again apologies...
I'm having a blank moment - can anyone remind me which user used to have this nice cat as an avatar?
I visited a dear old friend in an old people's home whilst waiting for him to come down I spoke to a very old gentleman who told me in the 1st world war he survived a mustard gas attack...and much...
I didn't see the Labour MPs who are public sector workers turn down their 1.3% pay rise on top of a similar cap-busting 1.3% increase last year and a massive 10% hike in 2015 which took an MP's basic...
I have just heard Boris waffle on to John Humphrys about how well he and the FO have responded to the hurricanes in the British Virgin Islands. But all the reports I have heard of, mostly this...
Could these 10 MPs possibly be the most expensive in history?...
It is no wonder that so many homeowners don't want to leave their properties. I have just seen a video of the looters stealing just about anything that they can carry. I know what I would do with...
18a might be fit enough to say its the only way to keep the wrath of god at bay(3,4,3,5)?u?,l???,the,???I? 21a most of tomorrow can be written off: that is, am, poetic licence?(4)??r? 11a meteor- out...
Every day I scan the news and I make a note of the items that I think AOG will start a thread on. If I am right, £2 goes in the kitty and I put the total on the first race of the day on Saturday....