I've now found http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?t=2877 6 and http://users.utu.fi/hlehto/photo/color/copenha gen.shtml Which confirm that the birds I saw were mellanistic Mallards. Thanks for...
Any orninologists out there ? I've recently seen some ducks on the local canal which I can't identify. I'd give a link to photos - but when I've taken my camera they're not there. They are the size of...
Can anyone recommend a Colour Laser printer, not too expensive, and one that you can definitely buy cheap compatible toner cartridges for. There are previous threads on this, but they all seem a bit...
Can anyone recommend a Colour Laser printer, not too expensive, and one that you can definitely buy cheap compatible cartridges for. There are previous threads on this, but they all seem a bit old....
4d ......abandon silence for Ruth? R?N?E?L I'm sure that this is Rendell, and the clue is a run-on from the previous answer teaRSHELL - the second part of the answer minus Sh for silence, but surely...
I thought you Fellow Abers might enjoy doing this personality test on the BBC website http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/mind/su rveys/whatamilike/index.shtml Apparently I'm a Strategist
Could we please have a font with serifs that could distinquish between I ( capital i ) and l ( little L ) . This would be most useful in the Q & P section. Thank You
I have only one ( major ) clue left and already none of the words my spellchecker comes up with fit the clue. Since I'm not sure of my answer to 27 d - I'll omit the connecting letter from that one....
A thousand apologies if I'm breaking any site rule by discussing this crossword too soon. So I'll put some spoiler lines until the clue goes past the preview lines. SPOILER SPOILER This is my last...