I am looking for a bit of inspiration for some kids food for Halloween. I plan to do Eyeballs in Blood (meatballs in goulash/tomato sauce!) Has anyone got any other ideas? - either deserts or savoury.
1, Arsonist attacks humble home 2, French ladies pair of weapons 3, Titans stepping stones 4, Pigtail say - on cultivated ground 5, Lofty game 6, Mariners article 7, Queens sewing aid Thanks
7d 19th century american poet 5,9 12a to punish a person by hanging without trial 5 23a carnivorous green insect tropical regions with long body, large eyes 6
I picked her up tonight, and she is gorgeous! She is 10 weeks, and when I opened her carrier box in the kitchen, she went straight to her food bowl and had some whiskas kitten food, then straight to...
15)Lodly, Lodly (5,8) 17)Exploding 'Great Bear' (9) 20)Could also be cakes? (7) 23)Contains sandwiches (6) 32)Good for the doc martens (9) 31)Do this well with all food! (6) Thanks for any help
The clue is a white, red, yellow or brown claylike substance the chief ore of aluminium. I have looked up both definitions but can't figure out which one fits - I failed chemistry!
Any one out there able to help? 24 d A white crystalline vitamin taht occurs in the outer coat of rice and other rains - Alt spelling I have T*I*M*N Many thanks
Can anyone help with recommendations for books to swot for University Challenge. I, and 3 friends, have made it to the televised rounds for University Challenge the Professionals. Having done the...