cooking in the kitchen, which was a big suprise to me with my hangover. But she was frying one of my socks in the frying pan. I said what the hell are you doing. She said do you remember when you came...
Here are today's shaded clues for you - 5d Small white patch of hair below a horse's forelock and poll [4] 6d ---- aerobics; form of choreographed exercise to music etc [4] 54d Term for an exploding 5...
Now that the party whip is to be withdrawn from this tiresome man, Is it all over for Mr Bloom ? Far be it for me to offer any help or advice to UKIP,...
Clink, clink. Couldn't hear the music in Asda today. It was full of OAPs with trolleys full of booze. Can anyone explain why? ( Have they had their Winter Fuel Allowance, or whatever its called,...
Hello one and all, tis me again. Oh, it's him again! Yes, Spoony, it's me. Oh, alright then Spoony, carry on. I know I promised, but I have one more A to Z before we leave, and I settle down again...
I am begining to think i am really losing the plot as i am now 76 i seem to be finding things to moan about lately and yet i have so much to be grateful for,as i said before on here my wife is clear...
Hi this girl unfiriened me on facebook and she said this please don't add me anymore or talk to me. This happen in april. Then today i make a fake name. and ask her a bunch of questions on the
There was an athlete who wanted to accept a scholarship to a well-known college. To be awarded it, however, he had to pass a physical, since it was an athletic scholarship. When Tim found out about...
Is anyone else experiencing weird goigns on when replying to threads? Three times today I have been typing aaway, and before I know it my laptop has a hiccup and posts the thread before I am done....
On a train from London to Manchester an Australian was berating the Englishman sitting across from him in the compartment."You English are too stuffy. You set yourselves apart too much. You think your...
I've just been for a facial and massage, the therapists wore gloves for both treatments. They assured me it had nothing to do with my psoriasis. I am now having a calming glass of wine a praying to...
Just watching BBC parliment,LORD patel discussing health and social care the member sitting behind him is well and truly asleep. what is this member of the house of lords getting paid for sleeping at...
I really can't get my head around why people seem to love to fight and argue with each other throughout certain topics within this website. I only have to read a couple of 'up to date' threads and you...
Hello one and all: as the title suggests, I am ditching the A to Z for a while (I can already hear Ummmm breathing a sigh of relief) and am challenging you to one inspired by Albaqwerty. She has...