1. Handy little cube that Katy liked? 2. Dandy Nicholls was called this over 41 episodes of this TV series 1966-1975 (5-3-3) 3. Dimness of sight, reduced vision? 4. Climbing plant, intense blue, can...
1. Stamford Raffles was the founder of ?
2.An ardent follower, a fan?
3. Dimness of sight, reduced vision?
4.Remaining quiet and hidden until safe to emerge?
Thank you....
Cumbria Cerebral Palsy Quiz. Closing date 22 March 2021 - Is it Black or White?
1. It has lights!! (9)
2. Dark chocolate treat (5,5)
3. Phone or fruit? (10)
4. A Scouse lass (9,5)...
All answers are names of wild flowers 1.Dr W Snoop comes early 2. Dairy foods drinking vessel 3. Primary colour, winner lost hydrogen 4. Parsley say, steal the queens junction Thank you for any help...
All answers are breed of dog. 23. Manchester United Team Trophy initially - 4 letters 29. Could be a local, real ale drinker -8,7 letters 43. Upset like PE - 6 letters Any help much appreciated....
Guide dogs for the blind Association UK - closing date 30 June 4. Bear 500 with the French 6 letters 28. Stagger to the Queen 7 letters 37, Royal, Allspice ring shaken 4,7,7letters 38. How lo fund is...
All answers include "good". NSPCC quiz Cumbria closing date 28 JUne 2017
1. Justice of the Supreme Court in USA 8,8 letters
2. Variation of Cinderella story 5,3,5 letters...
All answers include "Bell"
1.Originally from Vietnam!!!!
2. Cookery Book writer.
Any help will be much appreciated as closing date is 2 Feb 2017. Thank you...
1.A fruit dweller 9 letters
2. Almost a pop group 11 letters
3. Tenth 3 letters
4. Kids TV programme 6 letters
5. Also a beetle 7 letters
6. A twisted body part 7 letters
Thanks for any help...