T to too two tu (3.3.3.) Rhymes with Kathmandu. 13b Greek island (5) Rhymes with three piece suite. Phrases or colloquial with vowels and spaces missing' PTSCRTH. PTNPDSTL. Thank you for any help...
Last 2 any help appreciated.
19a. Woman comes back to claim royal state (6) A - S - R -
and 23d. Cryptically one of the 2 top men on board is paler (6) - H - T - R...
Could anybody with this quiz please tell me what question No. 67 says. I have printed it off twice and both times this one has not come out. Thank you.
Can anyone help please.
Sunday Post cryptic
4 down Change sides 5,3,5 letters I have H?A?? ?N? T?I??
23 across Is sports team besieged by poor Tess 6 letters E?I?T?...
7d Heard a priest has a gun (6) ?A?N??
14a Trademark novel, hot off the press (5, 3) ?R?N?/???
15d Question about European crop (5) ??E?T
26d Precision lacking at one end of the office (6) C?R?C?...