23a At home, novelist's hidden impropriety: ?????o?u? I thought maybe indecorum, but why? 19d Fashion knight for large bank: ?e??? 21d. Frenchman is OK when victory's held: a???
House from 2014: h?g? ????i?. Swirling air thermal, a trap for each flyer: ?m???a. ?a?h?r? Admirer of East Enders here, say: ?e?? Two dots changing hands in Costa Rica: ?o?o?
Caste of Hindu society, also called Kshatriya: r???n?a. London street noted for its tailoring shops: ??r?y? Threatened grey-feathered bird of Burma: h????? T?e???e. Undressed tree stem of medium...
A line of descendants from a common ancestor: ??i?p. US term for a person with old-fashioned views: m???b?c?. Article of matrimonial law issued by Pope Pius X and effected in 1908: n? t?m?r?
Stuck in the bottom left corner - help would be much appreciated. 23 down - Language belonging to the Kwa branch of the Niger-Congo family (6). If I've got everything else right (and I'm not sure) it...
A book of essentially pea-sized objects, like, is different: ??e?i?l. How My Little Pony might carry my name: ??o?y? What's up with record suitable for partner: ???p???t....