Here are another three beauties from this months quiz which I would like help with please Q66 In the context where Q,A,G,S and V are tricks,then B ( in it's true meaning ) is very tricky.What does it...
I have done fairly well this month but would like help please with the following Q2 Which famous conductor had a West End show names after him? Q6 In 1984 three members of which national soccer team...
Last day before quiz has to be posted and still short of answers so any help would be appreciated Q100 If black is ladies underwear,green a prickly weed,scarlet a good soak and purple what is now the...
Although there is still a week to go I need help/hints please as I doubt if I will solve any more questions First one for the "Laydees" Q63 A pair of Dutch designers recently brought out a fashion...
As I am wrestling with the Challenge I would like help in finishing this Quiz Q23 What is the next number in this incomplete numerical sequence: N E E I U F X ? Q48 RUFFIAN ALLOCATED WIPERS is an...
Help please Q54 A seven-lettered word containing two sets of double letters,alternatively spelt as a six-lettered word with one set of double letters.Either way it is the outline of a speech etc or a...
Hints please for the following questions Q54 A seven-lettered word containing two sets of double letters,alternatively spelt as a six lettered word with only one set of double letters.Either way it is...
Help please Q32 Which is the longest word found in cmoprehensive English dictionaries that does not contain the letter "e",Please note that this is not a word in everyday use,nor is it a "silly"...
Help please Q15 Which famous Englishman's full name was an anagram of LAWMAN LITIGATED SLOWER ? Q41 Which word,logically,replaces the ( ? ) INEPTLY ( PRESIDENTIALLY ) DERAILS ANILINE ( ? ) STORAGE...
For a few weeks now I have been receiving unwanted emails,as many as four a day,from different names,all offering drugs such as Viagra etc Is there a programme I can install,which my Norton anti-virus...
Have returned from holiday and realise that I still need help with the following questions Q111 If Help and Abbey Road are 66 and Revolver and Let it Be 72,then what is Sgt Pepper Q113 England lost...
As I am off on holiday tomorrow and will not be back until 3rd November,the closing date for this quiz I would like help with the following questions please Q27 Logically which number should replace...
Still struggling with this months quiz and would like help with the following questions Q111 If Help and Abbey Road are 64 and Revolver and Let It Be are 72 then what is Sgt Pepper? Q116 If 1 is a...
Help required please with the following questios Q108 A tragi-comedy by Robert Bolt,it tells the story of a man who dreams of retirement to a country cottage and when the time comes finds that he...
It may be slightly early but I am off on holiday on Tuesday and do not return until the day before the post date Q95 I don't think it's so popular anymore but a call of 1 club at bridge,to indicate a...