A large sealed chemical mixing vessel is weighed using load cells positioned under the vessel ( The vessel is weighed to accurately control the quantities being added). Suspended from the roof of the...
There is a famous riddle which says. : ' A man is looking at a portrait and says 'Brothers and sisters have I none, but that man's father is my father's son': whose portrait is the man looking at?'...
I can't stop wondering about the following: When did time get decided? When and who decided that such a country would be so many hours ahead or behind and when did minutes become universal? By that I...
What is your favourite smell and why ? mine is TCP because it reminds me of when I was young and a girl I used to go out with used to put it on her spots . I can't remember her but the smell makes me...
'heights' is a problem caused by lack of self confidence. I used to have loads, and did heights easily. Now i have less and don't. This is the top and bottom of the issue as i see it. Anyone know...
Where do you get your books from? I found I was spending a fortune buying new books which I read in a couple of days so now I mostly use libraries or borrow of relatives' shelves. Any other tips?
Also, I have heard it said many times that temperatures are always taken in the shade. If this is so, why? Surely since people sit in the sun to sunbathe, and have to walk around in the sun outdoors,...
I thought it would be fun to see if we could have a go and get 100 replies to a question on the site and this is probably the best category to try it in.....Just say hello or anything you want and let...
I like to use Microsoft Word to arrange photographs on a page when I intend to print them, but I get the impression that Word is reducing the resolution / quality of the images. Am I imagining this?
This question is prompted by an answer in Animals & Nature suggesting that the collective noun for squirrels is dray or scurry. I have been unable to substantiate this in any authoritative reference...
Why do people post 'amusing' pointless questions, which push other genuine questions off the bottom of the list, which then get lost? I've been following questions and answers, and now can't find...
I apologise to all Ab users who have not been amused by my hedgehog questions - which actually started with a genuine question - and I got carried away. However I am not responsible for the postings...