Any help appreciated. Far behind this week. 10 letters. Note: I sing in opera, but I'm making this sound like it's of very little importance, when it isn't! M?????S??? 3 letters. Can those cliffs over...
Any help appreciated 4 letters. For what it’s worth it’s very hard to steer around such a big city initially ?N?X. Is it Knox 7 letters. During Craggy Isle tour, Ted craftily taught Dougalna few...
Any help appreciated. 5 letters. Father backs group of nations presenting a show consisting of various light entertainment acts. R???E. Is it revue? 5 & 4 letters. Woo stupid person, the basis for...
Any help appreciated in finishing Phoenix crossword. 7 letters. Where every prospect pleases and only man is vile in the song from the opera. A?????? Is it Austria or Assyria and why. 3 and 4 letters....
Any help appreciated to move forward 3,2,4 words. Rovers Return will keep you clean ??? and ?? and ???P 10 letters. I am following article in eg RTE, TG4, BBC or ITV on major home plumbing systems in...
Final two in Phoenix crossword. Any help appreciated. 5 letters. Put that girl on. She’s a strict pescatarian and has fabulous long legs! H?R?N. The H could be a K too….but I do not understand answer....
Stuck on final two. Any help appreciated. 4, 2, 4 letters. If you miss work in such strange circumstances, you could be given just two stark options. STAY, O?, S?I? 7 letters. Lots of different drinks...
All help appreciated. 9 letters. Why one just can’t place International Bank Account Number for starters if it’s encrypted. I?C???B?? Been trying permutations of IBAN but getting nowhere. 4 & 5...
Any help appreciated. 9 letters. Would Tom get around one of the guys in the club to provide a really classy treat for Jerry! C???????T. The answer surely has to begin with Cat……… 6 letters. The 22...
Any help appreciated. 10 letters. Sophisticated one, at national level, trains and coaches body to get involved with adult TV ???T?V???? 9 letters. Flyer feels it, having wilfully sinned by eating 80%...
Any help appreciated. 6 letters. Get a taste for chopping trees that are most significant above the 49th parallel. S?M?L? 5 letters. The Spanish get around the English gal. E???L 4 letters. Swimmer is...
Any help appreciated 11 letters. Is arbiter crazy to act in a way that pronounces one guilty or innocent? ??????E???D 8 letters. Shrubs or trees with white waxy looking flowers which bloom in Spring...
Any help appreciated 10 letters. Has lots of clever ideas on how to locate her underwear in choppy seas. B???N????? 9 letters. Makes effort to get the elderly into some of Shakespeare’s plays, with...
Any help appreciated 10 letters. I and a little sibling follow the very young ones to identify a fair common disease of cattle mainly. ?A???I?S?? 4 and 6. In a display of impressive ‘bravery’ I check...
Stuck on Phoenix finale. Any help appreciated. 5 letters. include first letter notifying death in short bio of late one that will be going round. ????T 3 letters. He’s excited by a haggard girl! S?E....
Any help appreciated with final two clues. 4 letters. Might he get a couple of rounds when a non drinker comes in? ?T?O Is it Otto…as in Blotto……as in TT, teetotaller. 6 letters. One doesn’t look...
Any help appreciated. 5 & 6 letters. PhD illegally employed in good-cop-bad-cop routine (especially the latter) to interrogate suspects. ??I?D and ????E 10 letters. Think about it, Brenda! That is not...
Need a little help to push home. 7 letters. Declare in an underhand, sneaky way, that it is a breach of human rights. S?A?E?Y Is it Slavery? 7 letters. Half this very popular drink in the capital of...
Any help appreciated. Stuck in a corner. 8 letters. It’s what you pay to include just part of the play in rehearsal in other words. P?A???C? Is it Playback or Practice or something else? 5 letters. In...