Do you agree with the minister? Now as someone who can put on half a stone smelling a bacon sandwich, I'm not suggesting we got out and verbally abuse fat people...
I have a Yorkie who is almost 16 years old ..he is almost blind and deaf ..he has also got arthritis and has fits... he now is having incontinent problems ..he has to go out every half hour or so
had a convo at work today about farting that left us all in hysterics.... i was the only one that has never farted in front of my fella.....all of us had done a fart that smelled so bad we felt...
Tradition? It appears to me that folk are so 'flexible' these days that tradition seems to have flown out of the window. Throughout my childhood, certain days meant certain happenings would occur....
a good friend bought me a perfume set , eternity, for xmas and i dont like it? should i tell her i dont like it and ask if she can swap it, what would you do? its a shame as shes spent so much money...
How thankful I am I haven't got to trudge up a flight of stairs to flop on the bed now, I can have a wee G&T or two and just flop. It has been nice to be with you tonight folks but I think its...
Guy I work with is a dyed in the wool atheist,hardcore. Having one of our many discussions on the subject he admitted to me that he believes in life after death.I told him he couldn`t have it both...
Hi Just a dog has just acted quite odd. Just seen him jump on a seat (which he shoudnt) and was about to lie down when he jumped up and went ridgid. He then moved his head and followed...
Of course your place is haunted...everywhere is haunted....didn't you know?...I'm sorry, so very sorry to put it bluntly, but in this case, it has to be said!...I will do a cleansing if you would want...
No carriages grrrr using cars instead, the details of the day are just being announced on the Royal website, I've already booked the day off to watch it on the box
While this may have been discussed already I think it is worth finding out what the #1 resolution is for 2011.
While I will obviously not have covered everything, please tick all that apply and those that are pretty close!
Also, if you're planning on doing something amazing, please let us know!