12A Lack of shelter E?P??U?? 31A Term meaning to excommunicate U?C????H 34A A car specially built or modified for a type of racing D?A????R 8D To pass or go over or back and forth T?A???S? 32D The...
1- Livilla in I, Claudius, BBC4 8,5 P?T?I??A Q?I?? 2- Engaging in romantic adventures S?ASH???????? 3- Genuine S?N?E?? 4- Took back ?E?O?S?S??? 5- Mindy Lahiri in the Mindy project, E4 5,6 M????...
1- Running away in a panic as a group ?T???E?I?G 2- Great suffering T???U?A???? 3- Waterbird ?W?N 4- Vicar Oddie in In The Flesh- Last Sunday 7,7 ??????? C?A???? 5- City in south-east FRance A???N?M...