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3 down quote by Gandhi, is it change or cnance?
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what a toughy today!!! grrrr
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Last Two 1 down french literary or philosophical gathering of the 17th and 18th centuries S_L_N 51 across ancient boundary between italy and gaul which caeser crossed in 49bc r_b_c_n thanks in advance
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4d fragrant tree resin used in medicine incense aromatheraphy etc s?e?i
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Can anyone assure the answer to 17 across..Modern greek name of the island Santorini. We have had both THERA and THIRA supplied here. I have googled extensively and again both names are given. Many...
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lymphocyte important in immune response ?? 1-4 . is it T-CELL or B-CELL ???? thanks.
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17d. larklike bird with streaky plumage. 16a. Poetic does not fit with pipit
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Last one 27 down, in meteorology,the measuring of wind speed and direction.......a_e_o_e_r_??
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30 d american trademark name for terylene D_C_0_ ??
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25 down, sing a poem etc where the apparent meaning symbolizes a deeper meaning? A_l_g_R_C ?? thanks in advance :)
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37D - relating to an american and canadian mennonite sect (5) ---s- 40A - a west african gazelle having horns annulated with ten or 12 prominent rings (5) --o-r MANY THANKS FOR HELP ....
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-I-U ? thanks in advance
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Where do all you clever people find the answers to these nearly impossible questions?
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help with 29d principle that an induced current opposes the charges producing it L?n?s ?a? ta very muchly yes it is tougher now than it used to be
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sex goddess
13a a----e 11d.- - -a-i 37d -e-n- 38d -d-p- thanks in anticipation, it certainly is harder this week
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Can anyone help with this? 6. 9 .12. 5. 25 2 .18. 9 .7. 7 puzzel Thanks in advance
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in psychology a pathological inability to take decisions.
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17a ruler of deira an anglo saxon kingdom of britain from 632 to 633 , also the name of a coutier in shakespeare's hamlet _ _ _ _ _ 24a in italy one hundreth of the old lira and now of the euro _e_ _...
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Answers for 2d 31a 33a 30d please, thanks
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15 across place in algeria near the coastal town of bejaia ?k?o? 23 down group of ancient deities protectors of seafarers whose cult spread in the mediterranean c?b?r?

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