Last Two 1 down french literary or philosophical gathering of the 17th and 18th centuries S_L_N 51 across ancient boundary between italy and gaul which caeser crossed in 49bc r_b_c_n thanks in advance
Can anyone assure the answer to 17 across..Modern greek name of the island Santorini. We have had both THERA and THIRA supplied here. I have googled extensively and again both names are given. Many...
37D - relating to an american and canadian mennonite sect (5) ---s- 40A - a west african gazelle having horns annulated with ten or 12 prominent rings (5) --o-r MANY THANKS FOR HELP ....
17a ruler of deira an anglo saxon kingdom of britain from 632 to 633 , also the name of a coutier in shakespeare's hamlet _ _ _ _ _ 24a in italy one hundreth of the old lira and now of the euro _e_ _...
15 across place in algeria near the coastal town of bejaia ?k?o? 23 down group of ancient deities protectors of seafarers whose cult spread in the mediterranean c?b?r?