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on a scale from 1 - 10 how funny?
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Police stopped a man with a pig in the passenger seat. Why have you got a pig in the passenger seat, it's not allowed, take him to the zoo at once. Next day police stopped same man, no pig, what...
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Can anyone tell me wwho I am? This is a question we are asking! Repost and reap the results!
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Can anybody direct me to the nearest battle zone please.
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mr bean
As parrots have the same intelligence as a 5 year old can they ice skate if wearing some appropriately sized ice skate boots?
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Bewlay Bros
Is the world a healthier place since some alchemist theorised that hosing 100 cups of Maxwell House up your rear end is probably quite a good idea. Would you have a coffee enema? Would you admit it on...
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if king kong went 2 hongkong 2play ping pong but died in a ding dong after a sing song what wud the put on his coffin ?...........................
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Welcome to hell No seriously, welcome to Ab land
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there so many moaning gits on answerbank
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Has anyone seen those new Heinz beans in pots, how lazy are these people? Surely its just same as opening a can with ring pull, all you save on is the washing up and I bet they are double the price....
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people post new topics with the title not complete like this one? One of my pet hates! If your going to post a question PUT IT ALL ON THE SAME LINE IN THE TITLE!
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MONTCRIEFF49 /albums/b134/blak_eyed_grl/cover.gif just trying this out again
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...... how come when you jump up and down you don't land somewhere else?
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1) Do you ever listen to other peoples conversations? 2) Have you ever bought yorkshire tea cakes and biscuits to have with your yorkshire tea? 3) Are they well matched? 4) Have you ever forgotton...
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Bewlay Bros
When did I last play the David Bowie link game?
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.steg. stion509962.html I would like to thank every one that took part in poop quiz 3.14159 about pi(e), but I won't. After a long look at the answers I have...
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Obviously mine comes from monty python, with Doug and Disdale Pirhana. I was known as Disdale a lot of my RAF career. Just wondered where did others get there names and why?
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First year class comes in from playtime. Teacher asks Alice: "What did you do at playtime?" Alice says, "I played in the sand box." Teacher says "That's good. Go to the blackboard, and if you can...
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Should Answerbank offer counselling to the people it bans, as no one really knows what traumatic effect this may have on their lives, especially if they are unstable to start with?

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