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Just tuned into this to watch tonights match(Sunderland v Chelsea) and the sight has been removed by the law. Anyone know of any other free sites?
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AB Editor
Dear All, Just looking at some of the back-end stats for AB - and I found loads of googlers end up here looking for Andy Grey jokes. Here's one: http://www.theanswerb...t/Question983902.html Have you...
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if you were my lover and breaking up with me what would be your 'departing song'
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AB Editor
Do share, it might brighten up my Wednesday!
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http://www.theanswerb...w/Question979764.html Here is a recent question where most expressed a similar level of revulsion to me, yet Burglary still needs mutiple offences before jail is even...
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Headmasters It's A Snip Hair Today Gone Tomorrow...
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Okay, following on from the topic regarding the homosexuals and the B&B, this is purely for a topic of debate (please do not get heated)and I am playing devils advocate. 100 years ago, women had...
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Er... why has my avatar been removed? AGAIN?!! It is a piece of art... not offensive, not illegal and not pornographic. Should I replace it with a cat? I'm guessing that would be safe......
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1. Best British TV Detective. 2. Best British Movie. 3. Best British Soap. 4. Best British Invention. 5. Best British Car. 6. Britian's best city. 7. Best British food. 8. Best ever British...
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"made me feel about as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit" - made me laugh! Any more?...
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Sorry - just wanted to prove I can talk dirty ;o)
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Top 3 perhaps? Royal Mail is celebrating the work of puppeteer Gerry Anderson with a new set of special "motion stamps". The latest stamps celebrate the 50th anniversary of Anderson's...
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Assuming your family and pets are safe, what one inanimate object would you save?
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been suspended an inordinate amount of time. All good clean fun and I am sure the banter was fun and harmless. Never known a suspension last this long. ??...
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I know you had a mench at the MOFC last night, but I'd gone to bed by then - happy birthday!
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whats your ring tone/message tone? my message tone says 'mail mofo' (only it doesnt say mofo lol) my ring tone is some wailing arabic crap that my fella sneaked on when i wasnt looking and im just...
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When a football team performs badly over a number of games, why is the first instinct always to sack the manager? Why not sack some of the players? If the current manager is no good, who's to say...
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There has been a lot of guff spewed in recent days on the subject of Frankie Boyle and how he is unfunny and racist. I'm not saying that Tramadol Nights was funny, it wasn't great. However, on Mock...
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A true talent.
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play leapfrog with a unicorn

2001 to 2020 of 4965

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