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What would you do if.................. you found your other half recently registered on a 'meet up' (dating) website??...
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Bedlam -believe me ! Did you see thread upon thread upon thread upon thread about it and avatars showing how 'bad' it was? Naw -cos we just get on with it :) Im proud of my fellow countrymen who are...
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I nominate Lord Sqad of The Balearics for his unstinting contribution to B&S and defense of the integrity of CB, Dame Salla of Bananaland for gems of innuendo and Sir Angry of Oldgitshire for...
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I've noticed a lot of new members join at the weekend, is this because they're off work and have more spare time? Anyway, it's good to see some new names on CB with different views....
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Should I stay in, or go out and have my usual Friday night binge. Not sure if I should drive in these conditions, but you've got to take risks sometimes, roads look ok to me.
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Apparently the police in Newcastle have issued such advise to clubbers. Maybe the Newcastle Brown acts like anti-freeze?...
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Is SAB some sort of secret chat room or am I now allowed to know?
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They need all the help they can get .
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cfarty, vibore and jackthehater Say hello to all in the gang for me on monday night for me will ya and tell them that we will be flying over them at 33,000 feet on Monday going to gambia and will be...
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pls be at mine on christmas day to deal with the knobheads in my family as quickly as those SAB invaiders
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what are you having for dinner/tea or whatever
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There have been some low points on CB but I feel that this morning has dragged down CB to the lowest point EVER in my time. Yes....I enjoy a bit of smut, sex, doble entendre.......but this? What Can I...
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So I'm going shortly. We didn't win "the bid", but ... on the bright side, I'm planning to spend this weekend ... - bonking - shopping - eating out - getting p!ssed - playing in the casino...
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AB Editor
With the bad and unpredictable weather over the last few weeks some may be worried about various problems in the home caused by bad weather. This can include things like burst pipes, flooded or blocked drains, electricity failure, unforeseen damage to the roof (partly caused by the wind) or a heating failure. Considering recent weeks, we ask:
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My lovely Tesco delivery man has just brought my groceries. I live on a slight hill and it is somewhat icy. Yesterday it was snowy but not icy and the dustmen didn't arrive; ditto the recycling...
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Just went outside for a ciggie and had completely forgotten that it had been snowing - I was really surprised. I knew my memory was rubbish but this is bad even for me.
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What does it mean if it says 'Sorry this profile is not available at the moment. Please try again later'.. does this mean it has been deleted? P.S. just because your all talking about the snow I LOVE...

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