My elderly neighbour, who had a joint bank account with her husband, used to be paid an amount every month. She thinks it has stopped since her husband died, but, as he took care of all the finances,...
Was in th pool at 6.30am, and swam for an hour. My stretch and tone lady has had to give up her class, so I thought I'd go swimming instead. It's been years since I swam. What exercise do you do ? Just watching and remembering this, why do the hairs on my legs, (only kidding) on the back of my neck, stand up and send shivers down my spine when I hear something that...
Just been reading Webbo's post in news re: P.E. Who here enjoyed P.E in school? Anyone NOT enjoy it? All through my schooling I detested P.E. When we had footie, I was always stuck in goal because I...
In the radio ad for the Jeep Renegade they always end it with the words 'lee sees'. This is not any recognisable form of English but they have a few ads which all say it. Is it some sort of code we... do you feel about or deal with mobile phones as you're serving a customer? My glasses broke and as I sat at one of the little optician tables waiting for them to be fixed the phone of the very...
Just to irritate those who find find these threads banal. What will you be eat8ng this evening? I’m having a spicy Thai noodle soup followed by fresh pineapple.. FYI dissenters a good number of...
I am very happy it's finally light when i go, and get back from work. It makes me more happy in general. And this makes me question... Is the winter associated with depression? I feel very dull when...
1. OH is out tonight. I like "me" time. 2. All the snow has cleared from our street. 3. I thought I'd be cooking tomorrow but I've been promised a takeaway instead. 4. It's Mother's Day on Sunday and...
We have pre-booked rail tickets to go south on Friday. Where do we stand if any part of the journey is cancelled prior to travel Are we entitled to a refund?
We have been hearing warnings about the 'Beast from the East' , heavy snow from Siberia for days now. Here we have had a few minor flurries of snow but nothing has settled. However the local rail...
Looking back, just how useful has schooling been in your life? Apart from the 3 R's did you really learn anything pertinent to your life? I learnt about algebra, chemistry, art, woodwork, metalwork,...
I’ve been watching the dog racing from Poole on the telly to night .The bunny seems to have like a red jacket on it .So I was thinking red flag to a bull makes it charge so what about bull racing...