The song won't rhyme, but what else is different? Except peoples outrage? Where has the power of disagreement gone? We seem afraid to protest nowadays, Why?...
Since starting the Jeremy Kyle show some years ago, would others agree that he has become even more sanctimonious, condescending and obnoxious? He seems to gain great pleasure from belittling the...
I've seen many reports about him, but what is he actually accused of? en.htm The FBI don't want him for the alleged acts of 9/11, so who does? He was an...
The McCanns have won damages for hundreds of "grossly defamatory" articles by 4 major newspapers, especially Express Newspapers, with prominent apolgies expected. I despise the press in this country...
This is just one of the odd questions that pop into my mind every now and again, but what do you think the world would be like if there was no such thing as money? I realise that the reality is that...
Why do we have to have this bloody yank multi choice quiz thing on the bottom left of the screen? Do I car about the price of fuel in dollars? No? Do I give a toss about some cr4p soap actresses Ive...
My gas fire has just recently stopped dead. I have pressed the pilot light on, but with no success. There appears to be no gas, however, the pilot light functions. It just will not re-ignite. Any tips...
as some of u may know i been seeing a guy 24 for a while now , thing is last nite i met someone who was 32 and is possibly a better catch - own house etc and wants to take me out for dinner my...
Poor old Londoners -they have to choose between Ken who is so far left that he seems to think that Black is best and are never in fault and Boris who is a clown. Wot do you think ? /news/news.html?in_article_id=536050&in_page_i d=1770 Since I am Married, Heterosexual, White, Aged, English, Male and Law-abiding. I have long come to...