A bit of a sad one but I am curious. The AA car loan ads use characters call Bev and Kev. Bev has changed, anyone know what happened to the old Bev (Olivia Colman)?
AB you are my last hope. Where can I buy Tutti-Frutti Ice Cream its my favaorite but no supermarket chain carries it any more. Please help me Obi Won ABers
I normaly drive everywhere - Yesterday I took the Tube from Canada Water to High St Ken it cost ?4.60 return. Going by road the return journey is 18 miles. This works out at 25.5p per mile. I drive a...
I have started playing an on line game. I am constantly being told about Bots. I have looked them up and understand that thet are some kind of remote device. How do you use them? and how do you put...