G of H ....Bethel according to Jacob BG of the T ...A man lame from birth K of G ...The rich are as likely to enter here as pigs to fly S of D... God asked Job if he has seen these doors A...Legendary...
K on the md..is there anybody there said the traveller B the L`s D...The highwayman hoped she was behind the door LG...sweetest thing that ever grew beside a human door M`s C, I...entrance guarded by...
SwmbG....Tosca`s exit line I...victim of meltdown D....Disappeared not without a trace 65 yonks ago E...spectacular exit in a chariot of fire SC..his finest hour came layiing his head on the block.
GD... What`s that secret you`re hiding. The BFD`s H ...Polished by the ruler of the Queens Navee. C .. March went out like a lion in this show. The R from M ... exit celebrated by the 1812 SwmbG...
F`s... Temporarily closed by Assumptas death CW did this bail jumper head for Kuala Lumpur AM... frozen out BT ran over Alan Bradley chasing Rita. LJ ..New entry on Emmerdale scene CB ..Entered prison...
What L is a traditional stopping point en route to a funeral. What GWD is a main entrance to a cathedral. W-G... inlaid entrance, figuratively speaking.
Anyone know who sung this, and whats the name of the song. The lyrics start thus....... once in a while I drift in time, to a place in my memory that still hurts to find, i was taking on the world...