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27a Tough to take in edging with thread? (6) Is the answer THEMED? I do have T-E-E- and cannot think of anything better. Thanks in advance....
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17a Writer showing conflicting political positions briefly (6) I have C-N-A-, so it may be CONRAD but why? Thanks in advance....
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16a Rise of brilliant sportsperson on board (7) I have S-R-A-E and nothing springs to mind. Thanks in advance....
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5d Old master of the turntable is a good DJ who we upset (6,8) J.S.A. W.....O....
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3d TV needing to be studied for English Lit exam (3) I have S_T and have entered SET but it could just as easily be SIT or SAT. Which is it and why please? Many thanks in advance....
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11a Provide last with no end for cobbler (5) I think it may be ENDUE but why and if it isn't what could it be? Thanks in advance....
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26a New style recalled something dull (4) I have -a-n and nothing springs to mind as the rugby has my mind wandering! Thanks in advance for the help....
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26a A lot of flipping fish - I have R-D- but nothing springs to mind. Many thanks in advance.
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21a Firm and dry in receding current, one brought on board? (70 I have L - C - T - A but nothing seems to come to mind. Secondly, 12a is this OVERRAN or OVERRUN or something completely different? Many...
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22d Queen is one, but not with monarchy (4) I have -M-N and think it might be AMAN but I am sure someone knows better? Thanks in advance....
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25a Had room for second piano in rented property (5) I have S-E-T and cannot think of anything that fits. Thanks in advance....
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What ever links Azerbaijan, Sweden, Denmark and Austria?
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I see the Sunday Times has rejected my email solution again despite, I'm sure, my entry being complete and with the correct number. Has anyone else had this problem?
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5a Knowing quality, I invested in S African currency (8) I have S - - - - - C - which may or may not help! Thanks in advance...
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16a Rate film with no leader (4) I have L-C- and think it is LICK and 26a Pulse started bypassing heart (4) Again, I have B-A- and it might be BEAT or BEAN or something completely different! Help....
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8d Little for every one down, evidently? (6) I have HELPER for _E_P_R but I have no idea why this is so if it is correct. Thanks in advance....
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10a It may make one wrinkle nose in second half of game (4) and I have -o--? Thanks
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23d Dare say the Americans believe it (5) Is the answer GUESS and if so, why? Thanks in advance...
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13d Battle is something dentist fights with whiskey drinking (10). I have -A-P-A-U-T but having doubts Also 1a Russian drink: last of that very thick one (5) K-A-S? Thanks in advance...

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