4 Down :- Aim to protect delta and develop industrial area ( 7,6 ) I have the answer of' Trading Estate' which fits all my other letters & the definition, but for the life of me I cannot see what the...
Last one, 27 across :- Loose-fitting garment working, I see in a different way (6)
I have _N_S_E. I am fairly sure of the letters, but cannot work out what the answer is.
Regards, Stickboy52...
Help please, last 2 to get !!!
7 Across, Criminal must lie, covering up a sham (8) I have ?I???A?E.
2 Down, Platforms by the sea's, as rickety in the end (4) I have ???Y
Stickboy 52...
Last one, totally stumped 7 Down, Number raised money and distorted true bohemianism (14) I have _O_N_E_C_L_A_E The C may be incorrect, it is from 15 across (parfocal effects ) which is a new one to...
21 down:- Is man one perhaps? (6) I have *i*i*n. 22 Across:-Metal content of mug or cup, perhaps? (7) I have the answer as' Uranium', but cannot justify it, can anyone help? Regards, Stickboy52...
Last one, 8 letters ending in 'B' I have _O_R_A_B. fairly sure about them
Clue is :-Anxiously think back about a difficulty that's in the frame.
Help please.
Last one, 13 Across, Where doctor would go to dig beneath the surface in state of anxiety ( 2,4)
I have _N / _D_A, Help and an explanation would be greatly appreciated.
5 Across, Prison officer coming back to pick another ticket (6). I have R_D_A_, and think it is REDCAP ( Military Police officer ), but I cannot justify it from the clue. Any explanation please?...
Last one to get, :-
I am sure it is a Chinese City from the clue
' One way to get taxi , ie taxi in bustling Chinese city' (6)
I have X?N?A?., but cannot work it out.
Help please, 2 left to do 5 Down, Coptic bishop books into mutual help organisation (4) I have *B*A 6 Down, Goliath, ear-bending a saint worshiper (10) I have *A*I*L*T*R, I assume it is an anagram of...
Last one to get,
8 Across:- He wrote something spicy about Mikado's principal( Gilbert & Sullivan) (8)
I have _U_M_N_S
Help appreciated.
Help, last 2 to do
3 Down, Certain limit (5) I have *o*n*
17 Across, Picture lover in ecstasy during fling (7) I have c*n*a*t
Please advise,