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have just started threading my own eyebrows. am a bit ham-fisted as new to the technique, but does it get easier with practice relatively quickly? my hubby had a good larf at the funny faces i was...
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or were the mos and express xwords a little easy this week? managed all but 2 answers by myself this week - a world record by my standards! i do 7 each week and normally struggle and surf this section...
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how much does it cost to have a relaxed perm these days at a professional and reputable salon. has been some time since i have had a perm ( bubble / 80s! ) and i was wondering about your experiences....
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my favourite jumper is very bobbly...i am very attached to it. what can i do to restore it? x
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sorry - i know this is probably not the best place to post this, but i know that most abers check this section out. mr stonekicker has been awarded a higher rate of dla and they are back dating the...
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I have an aged puddy tat (around 10 years - I don't know her exact age as she was a foundling brought into our family!). Anyway, she has always liked the odd bit of tuna, but just lately she has...
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have been diagnosed with this disorder :( my toes are really painful and legs/hips stiff and sore sometimes too. has anyone else had experience of this and words of wisdom? hate taking co-codamol but...
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Feel like poo - depressed; off work (don't even get me started there); family life testing me to the max (not anyone's fault - just too many balls to juggle); got toothache and my heatings not...
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how do you get around to doing this? i am currently a psychiatric nurse with a degree and undertaking a masters at the ou. but don't get how you get to lecture. any help appreciated. mtia x
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does anyone out there knoe if you are allowed to claim employment support allowance (i.e. the new incapacity benefit) and study a course at university - even if it is part time. information is very...
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my hubby is having a strop! he just heard on not the nine o'clock news that britain is an island and went mental...his explaination was that he sat an exam as a teenager and got asked the same...
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sorry to bother you peeps in this category, but does anyone know what kind of wages they pay at matalan? is it minimum wage or slightly higher. just being nosey as my 15 year old son has applied for a...
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a call to all those bright sparks out there (mine has turned to mush as i am trying to write an essay and drink cold, cold beer at the same time). i have been running one of those oscillating pedestal...
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hi all. have had very painful toes for a while and went to see my gp last week. i have a big lump on top of my big toe knuckle (but they are not misshapen like bunions), my toes ache like **** if i...
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anyone know of a good one? and other similar products to keep me oil-free. i look like an oil slick after an hour in hot weather and crap without under eye concealer. help!!!
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i worm and de-flea my two cats regularly (and spray the house!) using frontline for the fleas, but they both seem to be continually scratching and my son is now being bitten too. are we having a...
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think i may have a small femoral hernia. has anyone had any experience of this and what can i expect treatment and recovery wise. have googled, but would like some human experience too ! mtia x
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anyone got a nice recipe? mtia x
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need some help! my husband wants to undertake a full time 1 year msc course, but we are unsure about how you go about paying for it! it is quite easy to understand the rules regarding 1st degrees, but...
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term that describes any of the judges or officials conducting the trial and execution of charles I R_A_C_D_ (8) mtia x

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