stuck on last 2: 18d, lightweight decorative head covering worn by women on formal occasions. ?????N??O?S and 21a, large agile arboreal old world monkeys which are found in central africa. ?A?G?B???...
sorry carmalee and bookbinder, that's all I have,
thanks rich47. Last one in Sun Ex, 30 down: liquid
alkane hydrocarbon found in petroleum; o??a?e
thanks in advance...
I am still struggling with::
a learner is surrounded by a face-saving exercise for this spectacular UK feature. I have no length of answer and all answers are maritime related. Thanks in advance...
1. a learner is surrounded by a face-saving exercise for this spectacular UK feature. 2. famous captain and famous ship - on your head be it. 3. Sailing ships that plied from ports such as Swansea to...
another one to puzzle you in maritime quiz:relating to geographical:
a learner is surrounded by a face saving exercise for this spectacular UK feature...
the answer is under the heading of nature with a maritime theme.
I have no length of answer, but thnks in advance:: Scottish isand,
cow's food and first!...
both answers relate to maritime theme. sorry I do not have any lengths of answers.
1. endlessly stricken for this illness. 2. this fshipe has Pembroke connections...
both answers relate to maritime theme. sorry I do not have any lengths of answers.
1. sounds like these little men are navigational aids.......
2. ......or this one can be seen and used either way...
Hi :-)
Looking for confirmation that 11A is 'exposures' and the spelling of 32A is ulan bator (seen many variations) and why is aqueduct not spelt aquAduct - it is for water after all!...