A brook or small stream - 5 letters Cultivate a bird with short thanks - 9 letters Spoil ball that hits base of stumps - 7 letters Crows call small amount - 5 letters Nude Vera - 6 letters Beautiful...
all answers are types of fabric. In old age I, at last, am mellowing- making red underclothes(7) also- At the outskirts of the city newspapers used to be carried at funerals(7). I have a few more to...
Could be Village, town, city, country, local, national, internation. Mother and me (a country) American Cheese? A sherry-drinking mouse? Wander around with a mobile phone in another country Another...
Famous Women 14 Asian country has run with hand in GI (6 6) 22 A hot wind comes into the heart to get this American authoress (6 7) 36 The best loved old chanteuse (4 4) 46 A puppet wearing a lei (4...
12.Not having a lead is stupid (8) It has to rhyme with convalesce.Is it mindless or starless ? 36.Rudeness say from hairdresser (9) It has to rhyme with criticism 46.Scottish river (5) Colourless...
Final answer needed to complete literary quiz 1818 F H W T W T S N The letters are initial letters of words of a phrase describing some literary event occurring in 1818. Any ideas anybody? Thanks!...
4. a very young father christmas (5,4) 5. tingly ho ho (1,4,5) 24. men not shy of warts (6,3,7) 28. longing for daily festivities (1,4,2,5,9,5,3) 29. get a personal happy season (4,8,1,5,6,9) 30....
1. Poorly made china
2. Now you're for it
3. Whip back
4. Starting down a road to school
5. 10 - 21 - 4 - 15
6. A piece of Eastern Jewellery
7. A musical...
3 .Colt.Jnr (3,2,1,3)
4. Create work period - temporary (9)
17. Remain on the bar stool having had a few (3,5)
22. Childrens TV series first shown in 1987 (13)
35. Anders and (6,4)...