Having great difficulty top right and bottom left 19dNick a couple of packs before beginning to play (6) ?C???P 20d Doubled up laughing about new Conservative leader (6) ?O???O 10a Singers and actors...
Each answer is or contains the name of a flower or plant. 19. Policewoman gets lost in storage bin (7) 24. The marsh variety tastes good toasred (6) 29. Base material for a Mexican hangover (5) 38....
Last few still unanswered - all either food and/or drink and no limit on amount of letters or words
a) A hen with a heart
b) In public transport, reversing I.
c) Quarry rock, right inside....
A passion for ferns (12) -t-r-d-m-n-o
Meadows at a village near Windermere (4) ---y
Points of rock appearing above the land surface of ice (9) n---t-k-r...
The answers are UK football clubs...........
1 Biweekly supporters must be bonkers!. (7)
2 Nerves exhibited in the Lion's Den (8,8)
3 Orders all eleven players to play for England (11)...
Local quiz. nearly finished but come to grinding halt Q13 Brown with branches (8) Q25 Go find silver and tie together with string or force (4, 4, 5) Q26 Attractive enhancement. find the teatime the...