Stuck on these : 1D : RAF signal translated into mixed language 9Letters :???N?L?I?
7A : Opening guide book to price jar 5 Letters ???T?
Thanks billoloco...
2d 4 6 Grace brothers employee to feel loss of composer ?i???r????
10d 5 7 PLay among tall buildings here in london ???w?????l?T?
18a red hot disorder 7 5 ????l?t?e?e?...
7a Snappy session with son is a good laugh (5) ?H?O? 20a Players join the French to make a special move (6) C???L? 22a Rely on investment company (5) ???S? 6d Willing to study before end of day (5)...
3d Short boat following European animal (7) ?O?E?A?
17d Cupboard love during division anger (7) ?R?O???
24a A lot of dollars to villify every trick (5,4) ???N? / S?A?...