Would someone give a hand on Win a holiday comp - thes comps seem vague in their answers.There is a link word missing. Thanks in advance Bright ? Card Last ? Planner
Round the world I have for Written money order CHEQUE but this makes the word to short the letters I have are A - R - S - E - S - P but I camnt get a word from it .Does anyone know where I have gone...
Round the World Page 29. Think I may have made a mistake here.I have RTINSE which isnt an anagram but should make a word by reading on ie TINSER. Can anyone tell me my mistake?
Need help/advise on page 32 win a holiday name whats in each picture. B ucket I ce cream R ollacoaster D eckchair Anyone agree the answer is BIRD? It seemed so easy this week!
Hi, We live on a council estate. We have four kids, 6,7,10,12. Our kids have nowhere locally to play, nearest piece of green is 1/2 mile away & next to the A406 (north circ) with dogs mess &...