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does anybody know if you can use visa electron debit cards in cyprus ? i know i willbe charged if i use it abroad but dont know if if i can use it in cyprus many thanks
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what music did ray quin dance to on dancing on ice mar 8 please
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can you appeal against a sentence you feel was far too lenient the charges were abh on 2 counts and previous for violence brought in to court etc a suspended sentence was given and community service...
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how can i access facebook chat i need to run fierefox or something and am running wind me
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can i retreive an account i accidently deleted
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what would the chance a sentence recently passed being reveiwed and do i get it looked at i am devastated at a recent sentence passed towards someone who abused me physically and...
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what would be the likely sentence given to my very much ex in regard to above .........guilty abh x2 .(domestic abuse) there are 9 0ther offences(domestic) being taken in to account and he has a...
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what would be the likely sentence given to my very much ex in regard to above .........guilty abh x2 .(domestic abuse) there are 9 0ther offences(domestic) being taken in to account and he has a...
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if someone knew my password to things and accessed pages of mine eg myspace etc is it my fault for having a lousy password and can that person be in trouble for doing it or is it again my fault...
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plse could someone help me every other word or so appears to be underlined twice on pages i am reading whether they email or web pages can anyone help get rid a complete computer idiot so it has...
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please can you explain what propensity is??? and if cps have asked police to go over the previous for court reasons for bad character is that the same thing ...
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my ex has recently been charged with 2 gbh with intent sec 18 and continuation of harrassment sec 4 (17 offences) and was on probabtion (.for being found guilty for common assault and battery on me in...
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i will try and be straight ot the point ..i was in a very abusive relationship for 2 yrs and my ex was guilty common assault and battery on me 2 yrs ago and given 18 months probation and dviol...

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