Any one listening to poor Victoria Derbyshire running a discussion in Tottenham about the riots? Very depressing. The audience is 90% convinced it was all the police's fault, it was visitors not...
Hi, writing an e-mail and need to include a psion (sp ?) sign, looks very similar to an underlined u (and no, don't wanna use an underlined u !). Is there a symbol I can use, like a Ctrl+Alt character...
Am I honestly the first of the Friday Club? What a fine, interesting set of clues. We guessed the theme quite early, which helped. Brock has produced another excellent challenge. Thank you Brock!
anyone seen it? It's riding high down here. When I was little, the September moon was Harvest Moon, the October one was Hunters' Moon - what's November?
DAY 9 - A song that your OH/parents/children/anyone you know plays that always gets on your nerves.......
My dad insists on having this in the car... not great if my mates are in the car as well :|...
Pizzorno Merlot/Tannat 2010 (Uruguay) The mighty, ripe Merlot has been carefully blended with the spicy Tannat - Uruguay's signature grape - to produce this big, bold luscious red, with noodles of...
12 months ago I gained over a stone in weight in a 6-8 week period , I have never been prone to weight gain, I have always been lean & quite muscular so was quite shocked as it was like my body...
Im sick to death of Barclays terrible customer service - can anyone recomend a bank or building society whose staff arn't rude arrogant a***holes and has 24hr uk based call centres. thanks
We've got a verified FB club if you want to join. Send me, on Facebook, as a message your AB username and email address used in AB. You can check what that is here:...