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End of an era ?
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At The Works online - £199.99 for 17 books, plus extra 30% off at checkout. I know it's not a...
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What drink can you buy when you are out socialising with friends that is low calorie and non alcoholic...
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Peter Pedant
67 y old Dave Lee Travis has been listed for re-trial over the two allegations that the jury were unable to agree on. He hopes that it will end by the time he is 80. Some hope...
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A brilliantly funny definition from a member of the 'I'm sorry I haven't a clue' team on The One show tonight. Can you think of an equally funny one?...
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Have managed to get two Pyrex bowls jammed together,tried tapping round them with a tumbler to no avail, has anyone any suggestions for separating them please?
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On motorway overheads do the camera vans catch both directions or just the lanes they are above .
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kia cat
I have the cigarette socket adapter with a USB socket in the end from my old hTc phone. Will this work OK for charging and Apple iPhone, iPod or Nexus 7 [with the correct lead, natch]. I know Apple...
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I like when the young alba spings it on me, About 10 mins ago. Hope she likes chicken and chps :-)...
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Hi there, I ordered an item from on the 31st Dec and it was supposed to be delivered between 6-7 days. emailed me on the same evening telling me that my item has been posted by the...
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Samsung galaxy 4 vs iphone I cant decide
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standard dalek soldier ---- "exterminate, exterminate!" beautician dalek ---- "exfoliate, exfoliate!" mathematician dalek ---- "extrapolate, extrapolate!" any more? . . . . best answer to the most...
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and I'll show you mine! Now that winter is well and truly upon us and the clothing for dealing with such...
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My Samsung Galaxy phone does not send my messages, when I press send, a message come up - "currently unable to send your message. It will be sent when the service becomes available." This was a day...
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Yes I am referring to myself. Closed our caravan up yesterday and topped up my petrol tank at Morrisons Skegness. I paid by debit card and didn't notice the cost when entering pin. 80 miles on when I...
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A bank is robbed at gunpoint, and the security cameras show that the robbery happened on Tuesday at 3.00pm Graham is convicted of the crime, even though he was able to prove through numerous...
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This is idle Chatter, rather than Sport, yes? I was thinking about celebrity sports fans, because Boycey from Only Fools And Horses has just published a book and, on the radio, he was described as a...
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Opinions appreciated from anyone who has knowledge of cameras and photography. I am interested in upgrading to DSLR and I am looking at these Nikon D3100 cameras from Argos. Could anyone please give...
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capita friends life, an old person has had a letter sent to him saying he may have money owed to him from an old policy etc, they want loads of info etc, he has asked his friend who has asked me so i...
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Hello to you all, I am possibly in the wrong place but here goes. Since 2007 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, following surgery etc., like so many I wanted to give so much back to this amazing...

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