I am looking for suggestions of songs or poems that have repeating lines. Examples are “There was an old woman who swallowed a fly” and “The 12 days of Christmas”. It is for my mother who has...
Thursday. All calm outside, but a wee bit nippy. I'm off for the weekend today, I'll be taking my wee kindle with me to keep in touch with what's going on. A fir bit to do this morning though. So I...
I must have something wrong, because I have Dace,Dope and Dose left, with 2 spaces - one is DO-E and the other D--E with nothing to narrow the choice down...
i'm setting up my fishtank but don't know whic hway round to have the non return valve. looking through the two holes in either end it looks like there is a filtering material of some kind (looks like...
At the age of 74, I have just started to participate with answerbank. One thing I would like to say, I wished there was a spell check, as I lost a lot of schooling during the second world war, because...
how is a bike frame measured ? I'm trying to list a bike on ebay and have been asked for the frame size it ranges from 9.5 to about 28 inches (its not the wheel size) where am i taking this...
I would like to see the option on the new AB to delete/edit our own posts.I appreciate it may be difficult to implement but many other forums I visit manage it.
What a load of crap with this ongoing story about Joe's pain killers. I know it was filmed 2/3 months ago, but don't these script writers do their homework about prescription drugs? And David asking...
Jack and his wife went to a party where four other married couples were present. Every person shook hands with everyone that he or she was not acquainted with. When the handshaking was over, Jack...
I'm not saying it's wrong to be gay but, if it is natural, how come you never see gay animals? Or do they not realise they are gay and never find another?
What actors in the soaps really get on your nerves. Mine for 1 is Bell Dingle as every time I see her she seems to be just reading from the script her eyes just don't move when she is talking,and in...
They make sure the wrong types don't go undetected. [5 & 7 letters] ???O? R?A?E?? More than one local empoyee sets trap deviously. [ 8 letters] ?A???E?? Disorder in the canteen. [4 letters]
When I was a kid my mother was a bit of a lunatic, she was physically, verbally and emotionally abusive to myself and my siblings. This is not to say that she didnt love us but rather that she could...