due to unreasonable behaviour, her tenancy runs out in june, whats the first thing i need to do in order to evict her, if i need an eviction notice, can i write it myself and what kind of things am i...
1. Name two of the three films that have managed to win the five ‘major’ Oscars (i.e. Best Film, Director, Screenplay, Actor, Actress). 2.Terry Gilliam imagines a dystopia. Kidman and...
from: Postal Support Wyatt Irving about UPS Parel delivery, i got two in the last few days named to someone else and emailed to me, when i click on attachment, yahoo says do not open virus detected....
i went on a 4 mile walk in beautiful countryside, worked up an appetite then sat in the local park with a picnic reading magazines and catching some rays. then came home, cooked a thai prawny cous...
Yesterday I bought a Patio Cleaner, from Aldi`s and can thoroughly recommend it, as it takes just a few moments to clean a paving slab with a pressure washer instead of hours of back aching work.
Has anyone else had probs with them delivering the York t13i treadmill? i ordered mine on march 13, and i have still not received it? and this stupid automated message rand me the once saying there...
First of all they get all offended and want to cover up ........ I wish they would make their minds up .... !
I you look at my avatar, you may think it's a skeleton in a hoodie. Click on the avatar and you will see they just have long, black hair... Sorry... I'm not a hooligan. May be teenaged, but I'm a nice...
A few days ago i reversed into someone. It was slowely and the damage slight. Probably nothing more than a suction job. The lady took my insyrance details but i dont want to get anything covered on...
im sitting at home thinking what i can do for a career. im dead earning potential at the moment and want to bring money into the home aswell as my husband, what can i do, maybe a little business on my...
how do you go on about making and creating candles of all shapes, sizes and designs, is there some sort of course you do, or can you buy a kit and start making them. thanks
hi ive been having nausea, headaches, constipation, cramps, real bad back pain in the top of my back, boobs are a little painful not a lot tho. it hurts to have sex.. i havent thrown up, im tired, but...