29 cleaned round and lost direction in the light 25 cooking pot direct with gestures for a seasonal treat,23 does a little dog play with this answers are cryptic factual or anagrams please help if...
Can anyone assist please? - I'm really stumped! These are towns and cities around the world including some in fiction and song. Transport. dummy! (7) Naked Lady? (6) Irritate, according to Miss...
Having great difficulty top right and bottom left 19dNick a couple of packs before beginning to play (6) ?C???P 20d Doubled up laughing about new Conservative leader (6) ?O???O 10a Singers and actors...
Hi, I am probably the last to finish this but am stuck on a few 27a Animals heard by a lot of fools, pwotected in hut village in South Africa (7,5) 36d Aesthetically creative fellow forsakes...
Q Get zany doctor a chinese flower
A Y***T**
That is if stories that are spun is Yarns
Q Top model covered in oil spilt in wedding car
A L**A
Thanks in advance...
1 he'll cook bread for the little queen at the end.2.it could be on a ship or in the kitchen.3.an extremely small ridge of moving water perhaps.4.the stray could swap ends for the waiters.5.this...
1) Was Rikki's wife one of them? 2)Book traditionally ascribed to Solomon & written in his name (Song of Solomon?)3) Join our Holy number : to start with!