All answers are 30 miles radius of Shipston-on -stour, Warks. 1)The farmer will be pleased (8) 6)British Rail is ill (7) 11)Is this where William hunted?(10) 19)Saye a Fiennes home(9) 25)Which way to...
7. this confused angora is in a knock out (8) 8. almost a sheep bleating for a gift (6) 9. depart to a brook and an indefinite article (7) 14. fawn colour greets with a lisp (7) 15. lives within a...
Hi Please help. 18D) Sign ofdanger which overwhelmed engineers (6 LETTERS) ???E?T 20A) Calling attention to Gordon almost-or his taste? (8 LETTERS) ????B?O? 21D) Look, here's a good way to grip clubs...
1. Final account for those about to retire (7,5) * * * T * * * / S * * * * 2. Now it includes men in anticipation of trouble (12) * * * * * * T * * * N * 3. Gives a party a new constitution perhaps...
Please, 14D Group's partly discontinued after uprising (4) ?N?T 13Ac Armed citizen fixed a limited in main compound (10) ???I???M?? (Is this MILITIAMAN) 21D Person who welcomes Germaine reveives note...
All answers are items which can be found in the kitchen. 1. Cutting down the directors 2. The Colonel and the Queen 3. Change or taste 4. Cry about broken instrument 5. Old name for a policeman 6....
Really having a problem with it this month. These would help: 4D: Extra gender is involved for me E??/???E?G?A?E 7D: Even topless Northern hangout might make Devonian cider: Q?I???D?N As always,...
PUZZLED BY TOP LEFT HAND CORNER -1a For further consideration in Scottish law which I understand to be AB AVAZANDUM BUT 2D is Englishman shared Nobel Prize physics 1933 and I have DIRAC so the D in...
I think I've gone horribly wrong in the bottom right corner! 26A) My joy endlessly express for rural Southern black (7) _ E _ S H E E 29A) Great bands are left with a new, light musical style (6) G _...
Last One 8 down: Top English Ambassador wears awful clothes (6) ?E?E?D - I have behead but I can't see why Confirmation plus explanation would be appreciated.