1ac About to rise, Henry makes a bloomer (8) 5ac Tree that's vulgar, not posh (6) 8ac Satisfactory pass, yet at first express dissatisfaction (7.3) 10ac Counterpart to 'pope' is, strangely 'pop' (8.6)...
There are 60 of these and nearly all are done apart from about 5, so if you could help? 1 SHINY LIQUID GOING ROUND 4 words 2 LIKE THE AUTUMN LEAVES 4 words 3 OXEN DO QUIT 2 words 4 BETH AND I BOTH...
All the answers are book titles and we are stuck 1 LIVE OR TURNS 2 words 2 TRUE BOY? 2 words 3 SMELLY PRIME MINISTER? 3 words 4 A YOUNG WILL 3 words Thank you
All the answers contain wing wings fly or flys as a word or part of a word Take the necessary equipment or else! (4 3 2 3 7 5) A bird in a wedding ring but without a bell (7) China's air force? (7,6)...
Stuck on this one: A high-ranking school pupil; an embassy official; a realm of outer space. What's the connection? And wanting to check my answer on: What nine-syllable word describes a 17th-century...
1)Sounds like signs 2)Scottish Country good with drums 3)Sounds like filthy lucre 4)Rabbi's Lager 5)Bar this girl 6)Brewing aid with a beat 7) this flue needs a junction to play. Thanks for any help
Which common English word has no letters in its plural form in common with its singular? I haven't expressed myself very well but I hope that I have made myself understood. If not then as an example...
Can anyone think the movie names for the following 2 questions in a cryptic Movie quiz that is driving us to maddness.: 1, Become Denser 2, History of Cheese Thanks
rally inside part of welsh town, unusually r-c-v-r- why recovery? personal training system embraced by communist leader extremely nobly -a-s-o-o how maestoso?
Types of craft used on or in the water 23)Nothing in the rod (5) 26)Trim backward salesman (7) 30)Bunting's trendy! (8) 35)Rascal follows Greek letter (7) 38)Cooking pot (7) 40)Tangle about bishop's...
Good Morning. This is rogerr (Barbara). The four words to have their links predicted should appear below at 9.00am and you are invited to guess the missing links for this week's theme which is...