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We are reminicing about our favourite tv programs as a child, does anyone remember Maxies World?? My favourites were: Trapdoor Denver the last dinosaur Rude dog & the dweebs The Racoons Superted...
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that everytime i brush my teeth,the inside of my mouth sheds skin??!! sorry,it does sound mingin i it bcoz the tootpaste burns the insides of my mouth off? it feels horrible in my mouth and it...
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where will I find old school photographs taken at St Edwards RC school, Windmill Street Runcorn. 1960's - 1970's. We had group photos taken and I would love to trace some of them?
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Ancient region on the Adriatic Sea including parts of present day Albania, Croatia and Monenegro. I?L?R?A
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I was thinking about buying the cleansing cream and toner for oily skin from the Dr Hauschka range.  Has anyone tried it and if so what did you think? Thanks
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Does anyone out there remember a childrens radio programme that used to be on in the 1960's. We used to listen to it in school every week and we would learn a song, with the songbook infront of us...
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Who is the father Of Dana Scully's baby? Or is it some kind of alien baby? And did her and Mulder ever get it together?
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can anyone tell me if anyone really wins any of the competitions in the magazines such as take-a-break and such or am I wasting my time?  Also are can anyone recommend any good competitions I...
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Ever accidentally used the wrong word in a conversation and ended up with something hilarious? my example - Walking to the loo at work when i guy i knew walked next to me for a chat. i said "cant stop...

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