27a laborious or tedious 7letters ----o-e thanx 15d a form of motion picture projection 9letters----s---e thanx 16d any of various coarse gum exuding u s plants constituting the genus salphium...
1d West Lothian town, once home to a truck-buiiling plant.(8) (b?t?g?t?) 7d Scotland`s main coal power station,and site of last deep mine.(9) (L?n???n?t) 19d Proclaimers-based musical, Sunshine on...
31aMunro at tha head of Glen Fyne is tangled up in blou [anag] (3-3) (?e?-l?e)32ac Estate and chapel near Cockburnspath,castle at Bowing, or one-time title of Lord Home.(8) (d???l?s?) 20 d non-...