Hi, stuck on a few, thank you. 19a Her underclothes go round certain felines (8) ??????r? 5d Protect the hard of hearing without a conclusion (6) ?e?e?? 14a Speak in (or from) detail (6) ??l?t? 16d...
Hi, just need a few to finish 4d A goddess she'd be, so she's be. (4) ?s?s 13a eager if not expectant (4) ?g?t 5d Anger taxi about additional increase (5 4) extra ??i? 26d Non runners in the flying...
18d) To speak or write about, especially briefly(7) ??????? 22d) Talks(6) ?????s 23d) Resolve a dispute by mutual agreement(6) ?????e 21a) Sounds(6) ?????? 26a) Reverse the position, order or...
13a) Customs Officer may accept it when on it(4) D??? 20a) One doctor and some of his dues-steep(5) I?b?? 22a) Seemingly not an additional puzzle(7) N?N???s 12d) Late back herein-and out of this...
1a) Man, I make better collection of handy tools(8-3) ???????? ???
24a) Wash kitty, having swallowed mixed gin. Fun for a splash.(7-4) ??????? ????
Thanks All...
20 across it creates revolutionary movement viewed from both direction,[5]r---r,23a this will have a flattening affect on journalists,[5]----s,13d tom receiving a setback in the exploit suffered a...
10a) Will only large victims do for this bird( 6) O???e? 33a) A little swimmer has confused young females near the East(6) ?r?l?e 4d) With a gadget for the phone in New York, you may need to change...
Hi 2d Biblical land (6) ?a?a?n 3d Urban community incorporated by royal charter (7) ?o?o?g? 17d (7) Famous American composer of musicals (surname) (7) ?o???r? 20a Person who looks strong but is...
Hi, stuck on last 3 26a It looks like it lacks the experience to spice things up (5 6) g???n ??p???
19d Carefully move around it, poet (6) ?i?t??
23d How this boy can croon (5) c?n??
Thank you...