I'm currently looking for car insurance, and noticed on one of the sites that anyone over 80 is not covered for personal injury etc. Is this standard? I ask not on behalf of a driver, but we often...
Hi all - I've posted a question about retirement before, but here's another one, whether you have already retired or are thinking of it. Would you go for a larger lump sum and smaller income, or vice...
As above - my OH is thinking of taking early retirement from a stressful job. I'd be interested to hear of anyone's personal experience of retiring - whether it's you that retired, or your spouse (I'm...
Due to an accident driving home tonight, the mirror on the driver's side wing mirror of my car is functional, but the indicator light is out of action. Is it legal to drive?
My mother recently fell ill and is thankfully recovering. She's not up to leaving the house, and I need to transfer some funds for her at her bank. She banks at Lloyds - can anyone tell me if it's ok...
As above, my Samsung Galaxy Tab has died on me. It's less than a year old and was a free gift when my son upgraded his phone. There's no receipt etc - might it be covered by warranty? I'm not sure...
Going on from an earlier thread - the latest possible one I got was concerning a court case, telling me to get my papers together as I was wanted in a court case. As it didn't specify the location of...
Can anyone recommend a good database please? I'm self employed, running Tai Chi classes (who would have thought?) and need to make up some registers with phone numbers etc. I've used Word but it's...
I'm in my mid fifties, and the furthest I got in Maths at school was O'level, which I just scraped past. I understand the principals of simple Maths, but I think I have mild discalculia, as I can...
After the recent heavy rain, we have found that the groundwater is so high that our septic tank is constantly almost full. We're on quite high ground, although the ground to the north is a little...
Our neighbours have 5 chickens, and let them roam free during the day. They come into our garden, and my neighbour has said that it's fine for us to keep any eggs they lay here. We recently found a...
Is there such a thing as an offline app similar to Google Earth or Google Sky on Android? We're planning a trip to Edinburgh and hubby has what I suspect are unrealistic expectations at to what his...
I already have a thread on the internet section, but it has been suggested that I post in this section as it has the resident denizens stumped. Basically, when I try to start Opera, my laptop freezes....
Since yesterday, when I try to open Opera, it freezes my laptop and I have to restart it. I usually have Chrome and Firefox open as well (greedy, huh?). I have windows 7. Anyone else having issues...
I'm applying to renew my paper license to a photo driving license, and for the life of me I can't find anything on the DVLA site as to who is a 'suitable' person to sign the back of my photo. I need...
Is there a way to have your existing double glazing reset in some way? A few of our units have condensation inside. Does this mean they are less efficient, and what options might we have for repairing...
We've had several recorded messages over the phone about this recently, and also kitchen scrappage. Has anyone else had them, and are they legitimately government sponsored - or a scam?