63 Across - Not relevant (10) I--------
56 Down - Unreasonable (10) I--------
88 Down - Long Horned ox (4) ---u
108 Across - Scottish Actor (5,6) -a--s -e----...
Dear Mr Ed After my recent run-in with your censorship filter - http://www.theanswerb...s/Question825593.html I didn't think I'd be complaining again about the stupidity of it. I posted this answer to...
Just been reading about the supermarket trolleys further back by Carol anne and it brought to mind. I never use the self checkouts and have no intention using them just dont like them. I know they are...
Good Morning, Multiple choice questions. Which of these WON'T help to remove a red wine stain? A) Salt. B) White Wine. C) Orange Juice. Too late to post but can still enter by text and maybe online....
I was a bit upset when they moved Corrie from Wednesday to Thursday to make way for the football but have since learned to live with it. Tonight, however they are not showing Escape To The Country to...