Can professional football survive the obscene salaries paid to top footballers, which is reflected in the almost prohibitive admission charges. I ask this question purely out of interest - not...
Any job-related funny stories? Fellow asks for a day off to attend his grandfather's 100th birthday A few weeks later he asks for time off to attend Grandad's wedding . . . Boss: But he's 100 years...
Ha ha ha ha, hee hee hee, hee, chortle, chortle chortle chortle, guffaw, guffaw, guffaw, guffaw, snigger, snigger, snigger, snigger etc etc etc............... How excellent a result was that? And the...
I work in an office of 11 men and 1 woman (me!) there are two toilets, 1 male and 1 female. Do you think i should be forced to share my loo with them? The reason i ask is i just went into...
So, who should be the next 007? I reckon it should be Colin Salmon, who has been in the last three movies. It's about time we had the first black Bond....
Has anyone used either winamp or ephpod instead of iTunes for their iPod?? My sister has just purchased a mini iPod but our comptuer only has Windows ME,so we are unable to install iTunes onto the...
felt the need to tell you all about this - there is a man on ebay who is selling everything - his name is simonsteve1981 - u should go check it out. wish i had the balls to go something like that...