10a something lifted from a carol at Christmas (5) --t-h 11 make sure your slip is not showing (5) e-a-e 18a gets over life's burdens (7) c------ 5d go up to the French peers amorously (5) o---s 14d...
13d they dress in blue - not silver (7) c - p - e - - 22a such pomposity is not a front (4) - - d - 17d one would feel put out to be treated so (7) e - i - t - d (if this is evicted, how would that...
9a. How the A.B. trained in front of the staff b - f - - - / - - - / - a - t (is it before the fact) 3d part of a publication or series in which sagas may be written n - - - e 5d produce the same bill...
1a Presumably they're not associated with open arrest (6,6) s - - - - -/- - - - - - - 7a Has the possibility to show strength (5) 8a Feast consisting if leguminous food and nothing more (5) - - - - o...
1d. An expedient for the dentist? (4-3) - f - - / - - - 2d. It's used by those wishing to secure temporary accommodation (3- 4) - r - / - - - - 3d A sign of cold perhaps (6) - e - - - - Thanks in...
1a Whichever way you look at it, it adds up to the same thing (5,6) - - - i - / square
2d Two points at the bottom of a beard (3) - - n
Thanks in anticipation, tarasmum...
7a Where one can get to on the river (5) - e - - - 5d As an author it's the plot that he's concerned with (7) - - - e - e - (could this be schemer?) 8d Surviving trace not in at 14 (7) - e - t - g -...
8a Mineral - definite quantities of it, we hear (6) - u - - - - 5d One drilling tool - or two (5) - - - c - 6d Ring on a girdle - it's go to breathe in! (5) - - - n - thanks in anticipation Tarasmum...
14a Unhappy time for a bull (5) s - u - p 26a On has a lot of fun with it (4) - n - t 27a A fresh run on the daily presses (9) - - - s - r - - - 5d Weeds are found in the back-street (5) t - r - s 7d...
1d. A number expelled are downcast (8) - - j - c - e (could this be dejected) 4d They're known for insurance, in the main. (6) - - o - e - 6d Time to finish is what poets need (5) e -a -e (could this...
1a They provide the spirit of progress (6,5) - t - r - - - u - p - 4d Volume of business transactions (6) - - d - e - 7d Yet it might be something in concrete (8,3) - b - t - e - t - r - (could it be...