Hi guys, I'm stuck on the last one l'm sure it's simple but I just can't see it.
3d. Politicians come up with the money? That's about right! (5)
I have ?a?t? Thanks in advance....
Hi guys and girls I'm stuck on this last silly clue, The criminal attacked without looking first (5) I have ?e?o? it should be felon but I can't see how from the clue or should it be crook if so my...
Really struggling for the last two in my sat. cryptic, 13dn remark that I sew around the split I have ?i???r?c? and 14dn the way to cut around a greek character on part of the circuit I have ?i???c?i?...
Hi guys and gals, re express and star sat.27th. I'm really stuck for three answers to complete they are 19down country al left for another (7) 22down it'ssweet of eric to run the french in (6) and...
Local paper cryptic ( express and star ) 26a.novel issue on beach worshippers ( 4,3,6 )
I have s?n? a?? ?o?e?s. Could it be Sons and lovers and if so why?...
16d. Swimmer accepts the dire arrangement of the stars. (8) I have s???r?a?
18a. Makes sense to dine after a religious man. (4,2) I have ???s ?p
the third one of clues I've just fathomed....
I just can't understand these clues
16d. white gets record points (7) 17d.prepares to receive french shells (7)
and 20a. inflamed by a fluid report (9)
thanks in anticipation....
Stuck on two and need your help please. 7a.finished without starting it's capable of being true (9) I have ?e?i????? 5d. Rowers get 160 (5,5) I have ?????s?o?e