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Its a DINGBAT, the answer is a saying: KCUM with an arrow pointing from the K to the M thanks in advance, for the craven schools partnership, closing date 10 april 2019...
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32. A northern 4 (6) 4. Was a fairy tale house answer gingerbread For charity and co closing 31 march Thanks in advance...
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27. A foolish crescent Eg principal hair on a lion is main and mane Thanks in advance for chance for childhood 31/3/19...
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1. a green kernel (9) 3. initially, add T to the girl (6) 6. a very famous army (10) 12. also known as a "cob" (5) 17. she was a tidy flower (8) thanks in advance for Kings head bowling, closing date...
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6. this is put up when there is a carnival (7) 9. a kind of ring (6) 10. a greedy bird (6) thanks in advance for Kings head bowling closing date 09/03/19...
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each answer consists of 2 letters, eg written composition, answer is SA 12. like porridge 15. squalid 28. rodent 30. Body, one, thing, time, where starter 37. oozing 40. pepper 42. Tiny Australian...
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29. Name the Michelin 2 star restaurants in the lake district. (9), (3,7) (3,6,4) (6,5) closing date 01/12/18 for Kirkbie kendal school thanks in advance...
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31. "Is there anyone there?" I'm sure this person would know (11) for Sedburgh school, closing date 30/11/18 thanks in advance...
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3. Rubber, Proof, Train. (6) 9. Bachelor, Errant, White (6) 30. Last, Shore, Water. (5) 41. boxing, Cabinet, Theatre. (6) for Dean gibson school, closing date 30 Nov thanks in advance...
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25. i carry my babies on the outside 32. i have a head beneath my feet for cumbria scouts quiz, closing date 31/10/18 thanks in advance...
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answers all to do with autumn, eg words like mist, rain in the answer 24. a puzzler (11) 31. by sammy davis jnr (6,9) for cumbria cerebal palsy, closing date 31/10/18 thanks in advance...
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3. TORCRETHNFO (6,4) for st catherines church, crook closing date 31/10/18 thanks in advance...
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2. picture showing two opened tins with the word bean on one of them and pear on the other tin, a letter S is crossed out 20. picture of a old fashioned ink pen with ink dripping from the nib and the...
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4. did the russian soldier set out (8) 21. first put in garden now until tonight (6) 39. an eagle for demure justin (8) 41. jeremy fisher's seat (9) 48. sounds like pilfering 95) 49. spinning machine...
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3. warren beatty (3,7) 5. elvis presley (5,6) closing date 29/09/18 for kings head bowling club thanks in advance...
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4. would this break if dropped? (5,5) 8. this is a cold one (3,5) 10. many people smoked this (7,5) closing date 29/09/18 for kings head bowling club thanks in advance...
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13.advertising poster (7) 24. used to teach reading (7) 39. pleasant to taste (9) closing date 30/09/18 for charity & co thanks in advance...
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29. Openly show contempt or lack of respect for/express hesitation for Dalbeattie star youth football, closing date 26/09/18 thanks in advance...
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1. Sweet milky coffee (10) 2. A fish in the Middle of Mums Number One (10) 4. Californian Town Flag? (8,4) 6. Flirtatious Valley (10) 9. Crackin' bit of cheese (11) 14. Is this square in London (9)...
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It sounds short tempered and cross (13) For the childrens society, closing date 02 september Have already asked this question, but no answers, trying again as its the last one i need. thanks in...

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