tried these before but now have more letters river god placed above sun god 11??A?M???T?A a god one branch of islam holds very small 5 ??I?A four-letter word upsets girl-about time ??T?A?R?M turn over...
STUCK ON A FEW 7d Five shillings gets chief into back row (5,4) C?o?n ?e?d - is it CROWN ?E?D 18d Laugh an dslide off chemical substances (7) H???d?s 13a Positions East and South (7) ??i???? any ideas...
Is there anyone like me ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have done every competition in Chat, That's Life, Take a Break, Pick me up, Real people, What's on Tv, Bella and Best since they first started back God knows...
thanks so much scotstone I was on the wrong track altogether for whale I was trying orca, no wonder I couldn't get it here are a few more that have me stumped but you guys are great. 4. a systen of...
Generally at sea (2,3,4)
in the ?a?n
Nowadays carry search out as a game
Find a chap witha villa
??c?a (I have PACHA - is that a villa?)
any suggestions most appreciated - thanks
9a About iron bar (4) C_F_ 17a After ruin, moved East to acclimatise (5) I_U_ _ 20a Take the first step to destroy reason (5,6) BREAK/_R_U_ _ 25a Miserly-sounding manner (4) _I_ _ 8d Follow Eastern...
hi all, just a silly son has just swallowed a penny. Do I need to look for it in the morning, if you know what i mean??!! Or do I assume it will be passed naturally anyway? Can it cause any...
Only two left! Pole is this short helping to cross river S_A_O_I _ Old traveller late in because regularly stop-starting _E_E_S Any suggestions gratefully received!