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Do you still go to the shops to buy your clothes , so you can see what your buying, or do you buy your clothes from a book/catalogue or internet? I must admit its nice to be able to try clothes on...
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Has this made a difference to your day? No!.. Mine neither :(...
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What is the best solution for getting oil (from a garage) out of a pair of trousers? They say 'dry clean only', but he needs them for tonight. Will it be ok to wash them on a low setting? My first...
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For many years I had coveted my model of watch, I found myself with the disposable cash to invest and treated myself. It gives me pleasure every day and I love it, bit weird given it is an inanimate...
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I was gobsmacked today when a friend told me she irons socks & undies. Why? I do the bare minimum of ironing. What about the rest of you?...
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talking to friends today one of them said she heard that some folks only change and wash bed linen once or twice a year, must be a bit stinky I would think, how often do you change yours?
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It's been a good dry day here in the N.W.Lancs, what about you?
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Having just washed,the curtains,and the little plastic thingys and the rail.upon reassembly they now dont draw properly. I washed all the plastics in a bleach solution,now they dont rail? properly....
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A business man packing for a trip glances in his briefcase. "Honey?" "Yes, darling?" "Honey," he says, in mild exasperation, "why do you persist in putting a condom in my briefcase every time I go on...
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A Man in hospital bed wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth says to the nurse" Are my testicles black"? The Nurse raises his gown holds up his penis with one hand and his testicals in the other. she...
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Just received a very nasty threatening letter. The envelope has the time and date on it plus a number 34108674 - does anyone know if this is a reference to where it was posted?
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Genuine ones, please. Woman finds cheap unknown mobile phone in hubby's inside pocket of suit. Never seen it before. Hubby has v expensive fone. Turns fone on - is in silent mode. All numbers/txts...
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Let's see how much of an addiction? Using the link below, you can work out how many days you have been a member of AB, then divide your total number of posts, Q's and A's by the number of days to find...
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suffer from chilblains when you were little, I always did, agony they were, from about 7 up to teenage...I remember scratching them raw during maths class at school lol ! Not sure why they were so bad...
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Which car is all round better and which would be worth more in 5 years time. Honda civic executive 1.6 2005 model, mileage is 29k. In good condition inside and out. Ford fiesta style 1.25 57 plate,...
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Hello campers, whats on the agenda this evening? Sex, Money, Life, the Government, or thing in general?
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Your Looking, your reading, you may even be smiling? fed up, your living aren't you? miserable sods.
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A blonde was really tired of being called a dumb blonde and really tired of being made fun of, so she decided to have her hair dyed brown,she would look like a brunette when she had brown hair,...
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Lamb a cow or a pig??? Possibly the best line ever from Come Dine With Me.........
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hand me downs and hated them,,what was it?????

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